[solved]help passing array of structs to function in c

this is my code to try and prinnt out a deck of cards. the print function worked when used inside main without being a function but now i cant get it to work as a function probably since i dont know how to pass a struct array in c. I gave it a shot but i keep getting an assortment of errors. The structure is called card_t and it has a number variable and suit variable which is an enum type.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "shuffle.h"
void print(struct card_t[]);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
        card_t cards[52];
        int i, type;
        int j = 1;
        for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
                if (j > 13)
                        j = 1;
                if (i < 13)
                        type = 0;
                if (i >= 13 && i < 26)
                        type = 1;
                if (i >= 26 && i < 39)
                        type = 2;
                if (i > 38)
                        type = 3;
                cards.number = j;
                cards.suit = type;
return 0;
void print (struct card_t cards[])
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < 52; i++)
                char *types[4];
                types[0] = "Clubs";
                types[1] = "Diamonds";
                types[2] = "Hearts";
                types[3] = "Spades";
                if (cards.number == 1)
                        printf("Ace of %s\n", types[cards.suit]);
                else if (cards.number == 11)
                        printf("Jack of %s\n", types[cards.suit]);
                else if (cards.number == 12)
                        printf("Queen of %s\n", types[cards.suit]);
                else if (cards.number == 13)
                        printf("King of %s\n", types[cards.suit]);
                        printf("%d of %s\n", cards.number, types[cards.suit]);

if anyone could please tell me what i can do to let the struct pass into the print function accurately i would greatly appreciate it.

NVM i actually figured it out myself. just had to remove struct from prototype and function def. thanks anyway