[Solved] Where is HP-UX JAVA 1.6 download?

Dear ALL,
I am Looking JAVA 1.6 (64 Bit) for HP unix. I searched on max sites but didnt got any kindly share the details if anyone have.:confused:

Did you check the HP official site?

yes but i didnt got .. :frowning:

Check the download links in the page I've linked above. The download seems to require a registration.

The same goes for IBM... (must be registered before and accept the terms....) seems quite normal to me...

ya i checked in HP unix but it seems that they dont have correct one i started downloading "JDK6_16000_ia.depot" this file is not extractable and right now i have in unix server jdk 1.4. is there any other way....

What you didnt say yet was what OS - Architecture you have... or what server model you are on e.g RPXXXX or RXAAAA? etc...
Downloading the wrong version of course will not be of much use....

Since user opened another thread in "shell scripting -programing" and did not bother to give here the answers to our legitimate questions, we must assume the user downloaded a satifying version...thread can be closed then and flag solved...