[Solved] Pattern match and write to separate files

I need to parse a file and depending on a patern match(in the insert job line) separate files have to be created with a line added (content in file2).

Mapping for pattern match and add line :

for Alpha 123
for Beta 234
for Gamma 345
no match (goes into another file)
File 1 
insert_job: Alpha_jaa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ

insert_job: Beta_baa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
insert_job: Gamma_caa   job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
insert_job: else_caa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
File 2
condition: 123
condition: 234
condition: 345

Output required(3 separate files created)
File Alpha.txt
insert_job: Alpha_jaa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 123
File Beta.txt
insert_job: Beta_baa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 234
File Gamma.txt
insert_job: Gamma_caa   job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 345
File nomatch :
insert_job: else_caa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: None
cat $FILENAME | while read LINE

case "$LINE" in
   echo $LINE >>alpha.txt
   echo  "condition: 123" >>alpha.txt

echo $LINE >>beta.txt
"echo condition: 234">>beta.txt

   echo $LINE >>gamma.txt
   "gamma") echo "condition: 345">>gamma.txt

echo $LINE >>nomatch.txt
echo "condition: None" >>nomatch.txt

I am still trying at my end and would like to mention where the problem is :
Writing the rest of the statements that follow into the respective files.

Try this:

awk     'FNR==1         {f++}
         f==1           {A[$2]=$0; next}
         f==2           {B[$2]=A[$3]; next}
                        {for (x in B) if ($0 ~ x) {print $0, B[x] > x".txt"; next}}
                        {print $0, "condition: none" > "nomatch"}
        ' file2 file3 RS= FS="\n" OFS="\n" file1

This is a simple example that will accomplish what I believe you want to:

Input file:

$ cat t
insert_job: Alpha_jaa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ

insert_job: Beta_baa    job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ

insert_job: Gamma_caa   job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ

insert_job: else_caa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ

SHELL script:

# function: cond is used to write 'condition' line for each group
cond ()
if   [[ $which_group == "A" ]]; then
  echo "condition: 123" >> file_1.txt
elif [[ $which_group == "B" ]]; then
  echo "condition: 234" >> file_2.txt
elif [[ $which_group == "G" ]]; then
  echo "condition: 345" >> file_3.txt
elif [[ $which_group == "N" ]]; then
  echo "condition: None" >> file_4.txt

while read -r -a LineToArray
  if [[ -z "${LineToArray[0]}" ]]; then
    if   [[ ${LineToArray[0]} == *insert_job: && ${LineToArray[1]} ==  *Alpha_* ]]; then
      cond $which_group
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} > file_1.txt

    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} == *insert_job: && ${LineToArray[1]} ==  *Beta_* ]]; then
      cond $which_group
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} > file_2.txt

    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} == *insert_job: && ${LineToArray[1]} ==  *Gamma_* ]]; then
      cond $which_group
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} > file_3.txt

    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} == *insert_job: ]]; then
      cond $which_group
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} > file_4.txt


    if   [[ ${LineToArray[0]} != *insert_job: && $which_group = "A" ]]; then
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} >> file_1.txt
    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} != *insert_job: && $which_group = "B" ]]; then
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} >> file_2.txt
    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} != *insert_job: && $which_group = "G" ]]; then
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} >> file_3.txt
    elif [[ ${LineToArray[0]} != *insert_job: && $which_group = "N" ]]; then
      echo ${LineToArray[@]} >> file_4.txt
done < t
cond $which_group

Files Created:

$ cat file_1.txt  file_2.txt file_3.txt file_4.txt
insert_job: Alpha_jaa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 123
insert_job: Beta_baa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 234
insert_job: Gamma_caa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: 345
insert_job: else_caa job_type: cmd
description: ABC
machine: XYZ
condition: None

thanks everyone..