[Solved] How to share the DVD-drive with Mac OSX NFS

im a newbie with a mac osx problem: i can't share the DVD-drive of my macbook pro with NFS:

OSX 10.5.8:
My /etc/exports:

/Users/NFS -mapall=502 -ro -network -mask
/Volumes/MIT_HERZ_UND_HAND/VIDEO_TS -maproot=502 -ro

the /Users/NFS share works - the second (/Volumes/MIT_HERZ_UND_HAND/VIDEO_TS -maproot=502 -ro
DVD) don't work

with showmount -e i get only:

sh-3.2# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

How can i share the DVD drive?

thanks a lot!
greetings from munich

This feature is already built into 10.5 for the macbook air since it does not have an optical drive to do software installs.

Open up terminal and modify these two property list files

defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true

defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser ODSSupported -bool true

Then in System Preferences >> Sharing, make sure you enable optical disk sharing.

more info here: Sharing DVDs or CDs with Remote Disc