Solaris x86 installation using jumpstart does not local boot ( boot from hdd)

I am trying to install Solaris x86 using the Jumpstart server. I run the add_install_client command with appropriate options, and reboot my x86 Target box. The installation starts fine and unattended. After the installation completes and the target goes for a re-boot, it does not boot from the HDD instead boots from the network and the same process continues.

How do I make my target to boot from HDD once the installation completes ??

have you tried to disable booting from network (change bootorder in BIOS)?

Yes. Changing the boot order in BIOS helps.
However, I am looking for a complete unattend installation. Is it possible to boot from local hdd when the machine reboots after the installation ??

@Hemalsid - don't think there is a way to script or control BIOS boot order. Only way is to interact with the BIOS and set the boot order.

one possible way is not to set the bios to boot from network but to choose the boot device on start up. most of x86 machines let you do this by pressing F12 after POST and presents you with a menu of possible boot devices.

just push the right key (mostly F8) to select booting from network to start the installation and set the bootorder to boot from disk.
so you only have to interact in the beginning of the installation and you can leave the PC after starting the jumpstart process.

If we try to install Solaris Sparc ( any version 9 or 10) on a sparc target, it goes fine. After the installation finishes and the target reboots, the target does a local boot. It does not go for a network boot. So was wondering is their a way in Solaris x86 to do so.

sparc and x86 are totally different... it's OBP against BIOS!

Can you show us your class (profile) file?

it's the "same" like in a x86 system.
on the sparc server your boot-device is set to "disk" but you
you temporary boot from the network with "boot net - install".. this is the same (on x86) like decribed before with the "Boot Menu" usualy by pressing F8 or F12