Solaris Trusted Extension ?

How to check if a system has Solaris trusted extensions installed or not on a solaris 10 system ?

pkginfo | grep Trust
system SUNWdttshelp Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop Help
system SUNWdttsr Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop, (Root)
system SUNWdttsu Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop, (Usr)
system SUNWmgts Trusted Extensions, SMC
system SUNWtsg Trusted Extensions global
system SUNWtsman Trusted Extensions Man Pages
application SUNWtsmc Trusted Extensions SMC Server
system SUNWtsr Trusted Extensions, (Root)
system SUNWtsu Trusted Extensions, (Usr)
system SUNWxwts Trusted Extensions, X Window System

But does that mean if packages are there on the server the system is configured with trusted extensions .. ?

It only means that the packages are there.

So isn't there any way to check if the trusted extensions are configured on my system or not ?

Go to the Trusted Path menu and check for any config settings.. one way I can think of..