Solaris drivers

Hi All,
Does anyone know where I can download the ge drivers for solaris 2.6? Having a bit of a mare trying to find them anywhere.





there are no drivers for ge-cards in Solaris 2.6.
Why? Solaris 2.6 is out of service since 2000.
GE-Cards are younger, so you will never find a
supported driver.
Another fact, Solaris 2.6 is 32-bit, this is too
slow for modern ge-cards. You need at last
Solaris 8 for this cards.


lowbyte, I agree that 2.6 is 32 bit. However I disagree with every other statement you made. The part about 32 bit being "too slow" is especially odd. "32 bit" is not a measure of speed. Here is a link to a description of patch 106764-09 which says it is "Sun Gigabit Ethernet 2.0: Patch for Solaris 2.6 ge driver". That patch is dated 2002. But I present the link only as proof of the existence of a solaris 2.6 ge driver, I don't know where to download it.

which card is it exactly. there are 3 diffrent drivers.... look for a number on the card and post ist.

maybe try this package.... rename to sol26.tar.gz !!!

I just added gz as a valid attachment type.