Solaris & Hitachi identify


Is there anyway to tell which set of Hitachi array the disks belong to? I'm remotely located so I cannot do the physical check.

The possible Hitachi arrays are: AMS1000 and 9570

This is what I see on the format:

  1. c2t50060E800475EA02d1 <HITACHI-OPEN-V*9-SUN-5007 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 15 sec 656>

  2. c2t50060E80004352E1d0 <HITACHI-DF600F-0000 cyl 5459 alt 2 hd 50 sec 768>

Can you tell if 2. and 3. belongs to either AMS1000 or 9570?

Does Open-V*9 or DF600F tell anything about it?

Thanks in advance.