Solaris 9 Exam 310-014 & 310-015 Can anyone recommend some good study guides?


I'm going to be studying for my Solaris 9 System Administrator Certification and wondered if anyone had taken the exams and could recommend some good study guides / crams / books.



I bought a book called:
Solaris 9 System Administration Training Guide (Exam CX-310-014 and CX-310-015) by Bill Calkin

Quite good - and fairly indepth, but very chunky.
Cant say whether it really helps yet as I am only half way through and havent sat the exams yet myself..

But like yourself - I would appreciate any tips/pointers people can provide.

I used Bill Calkins' book for Solaris 8 and was pretty happy with it. It also seemed to be one of the better books based on reader reviews at and other sites.
One thing I should mention is that you should be sure to check out the errata site for any errors that there may be in the book. I know there were a whole bunch for his Solaris 8 book. The URL for his site is in the book.

I have the same book as frustrated1...I'm pretty close to taking the first test, and the book seems really well written so far...i'd give it an excellent review.

I also reference Sun's website all the time...BigAdmin and the developer section have awesome articles on anything you could ever want to all the man pages and such. :cool:

Thanks for the reply guys will try the books below


i would NOT recommend "Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 8" by phprt. (publisher for sunbooks)

isbn: 0130409332

i am only on chap 5 and have noted a fair amount of errors already.

i suppose you would only notice them if you are currently a solaris admin.

i bought another book by osborn publishing (havent read it completely yet) BUT it does seem to have alot more indepth coverage right off the bat.

if you wanted to just pass the test i would get the book i said not to buy. if you wanted to know why and how it works get the osborn book.

just my suggestion take it or leave it other ppl have passed the test useing the book i said dont use, but i found it rittled w/ errors and if i am studying for an exam i dont want errors in my study material.

I've heard really good things about the "exam cram" for solaris 9. I'm thinking of getting it to help me prep for the tests. I've seen it online for as low as ~20.USD

I recently took a week long training on "solaris 9 for experienced unix admins" and have their books, which have some decent hands-on exercises for any simulations that might come up, but as for details they're a little sparse.

I also have the Solaris 9 boot camp book,which I like as a quick and dirty guide to some of the basics, but I don't know how good an exam guide this would be.

I'd appreciate the people taking the test posting their results back here. The last cert tests I took were for Microsoft w2k stuff and I found those pretty easy to pass with about 2 weeks of concerted study. I don't think these Solaris test'll be much harder, but I'll sure be as prepared as possible...any help appreciated.

I got this book recently and it's really terrific. Very thorough. I was quite surprised. I will be taking the tests at the end of Sept / early Oct. so I'll report how well I do. The author has a site too: be warned, however, it's a pretty sales-oriented site, so don't think that you have to buy everything he sells to pass any of the Solaris tests...this book seems good enough if you have a year or two of decent sysadmin experience.

I'm about to buy

Solaris 9 System Administration Training Guide (Exam CX-310-014 and CX-310-015) by Bill Calkin

I look at a few books. Also Solaris cram exam book by Darrell Ambro is meant to be a good book.

Both those books were recommended buy someone at Sun :slight_smile: so they must have something going to them.