Solaris 11 to 11.1 update help

If anyone has any solid documents on updating Solaris 11.0 to 11.1 please share. I have been spinning my wheels for day now. I got past running the pre-update step. Rebooted the system and trying to continue with update to 11.1 using IPS repo and keeps failing with message that it can't reach running zone. Very frustrated and Oracle documents are sending me in circles. Anyone have any experience with local IPS repo's? My system can't connect to internet so I can't use Solaris release url... I was able to create 11.0 repo and install a zone from that repo and use that repo also for the pre-upgrade step along with pre-update iso. after that I am stuck... can't get system to update to 11.1!!!!!

Thanks all ... Steve

This is obvious, but i need to ask it :

Have you followed the procedure described here :
Upgrading to Oracle Solaris 11.1

Procedure is dependent on couple of things :

  1. Your operating system exact version (SRU).
  2. If you are running zones or not, additional steps must be taken depending,again, on the SRU level.
  3. A working repository for the version you wish to upgrade.
    So if you want to upgrade from 11 to 11.1.x.x, you will need (at least) IPS full 11.1 + same repository patched to 11.1.x.x where x.x is only the latest IPS downloaded and applied to existing 11.1 IPS repo.

Also, 11.1 is old, you should go higher if you can depending on the needs and setup.

Can you post output of commands :

pkg info entire
pkg list -af entire
pkg publisher
zoneadm list -cv

Perhaps those can provide additional information to help you.

Yes the plan is to go to 11.2 - I got the 11.1 update to work on both global and non global 11.0 system. The thing is I did so much stuff I'm still not clear on the procedure - mainly on how to get the repository to be seen by the zone - when I got the update to finally work the zone had a pkg publisher of an http localhost:1008/sorlairs/version (I assume) it was a long string of numbers... well I did get it to work but not sure how I did it... :slight_smile: Next step is to update to 11.2 tomorrow. I will post output of what you requested if I have trouble with that. I did have to download a pre-update iso and combine it with 11.0 repo to do the first part of update - then I had to run pkg install pkg/package after that with 11.1 repo configured and that's when it wouldn't connect to the zone... kept failing with https connection errors... I went back and looked at 11.1 docs and I configured a sharenfs for the repo and also configured application/pkg/server. After I did all that I got pkg install package/pkg to run. Here is the application/pkg/server steps I followed:

This service was in maintenance when I checjed it after configuration.. i rebooted system and it came back disabled.. I enabled it and it went online - after that I was able to install package/pkg and update both global and non global zone.

$ svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/inst_root=/export/11.1repo
$ svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/readonly=true

Check your work:

$ svcprop -p pkg/inst_root application/pkg/server

Use pkg.depotd to serve the repository to clients. By default, pkg.depotd listens for connections on port 80. You can change the port by resetting the pkg/port property.

$ svccfg -s application/pkg/server setprop pkg/port=port_number

Start the Repository Service

Restart the pkg.depotd repository service.

$ svcadm refresh application/pkg/server
$ svcadm enable application/pkg/server

Here are the NFS share steps I followed:

root@suntest:/var/tmp/11.1repo# zfs create -o mountpoint=/export/11-1repo rpool/export/11-1repo
cannot create 'rpool/export/11-1repo': dataset already exists

root@suntest:/var/tmp/11.1repo# zfs set share=name=s11-1repo,path=/export/11-1repo,prot=nfs rpool/export/11-1repo

root@suntest:/var/tmp/11.1repo# zfs set sharenfs=on rpool/export/11-1repo

root@suntest:/var/tmp/11.1repo# grep repo /etc/dfs/sharetab
/export/11-1repo        s11-1repo       nfs     sec=sys,rw      

Make sure sharenfs is on:

root@suntest:/var/tmp/11.1repo# zfs get sharenfs rpool/export/11-1repo
NAME                   PROPERTY  VALUE     SOURCE
rpool/export/11-1repo  sharenfs  on        local

Here is the error I was getting before I performed the above...

root@suntest:/var/tmp/pre-upgrade# pkg install /package/pkg                                                
Recursing into linked image: zone:testzone 
Returning from linked image: zone:testzone 
            Packages to remove:  1         
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

Recursing into linked image: zone:testzone 
Returning from linked image: zone:testzone 
pkg: install failed (linked image exception(s)):

A 'sync-linked' operation failed for child 'zone:testzone' with an unexpected
return value of 1 and the following error message:
pkg: 0/1 catalogs successfully updated:
Unable to contact valid package repository
Encountered the following error(s):
Unable to contact any configured publishers.
This is likely a network configuration problem.
1: Framework error: code: 7 reason: couldn't connect to host

I can't put URLs in my message the the error is unable to connect to localhost 1008 etc...

Any Idea what I did to get it to work?

---------- Post updated at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:55 AM ----------

PS - after all this and getting the systems to 11.1 I was able to install a new 11.1 zone using the 11-1repo - so it looks like the repo is working OK now - my worries are when I unset that repo and configure the 11.2 repo I will have the same issues. I'd like to know what I'm doing with this stuff but docs online are barbaric... haha

By the way thanks a lot for taking an interest and trying to help me out...

Here is the info you asked for..

root@suntest:~# pkg info entire
          Name: entire
       Summary: Incorporation to lock all system packages to the same build
   Description: This package constrains system package versions to the same
                build.  WARNING: Proper system update and correct package
                selection depend on the presence of this incorporation.
                Removing this package will result in an unsupported system.
      Category: Meta Packages/Incorporations
         State: Installed
     Publisher: solaris
       Version: 0.5.11
 Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: September 19, 2012 07:01:35 PM 
          Size: 5.46 kB
          FMRI: pkg://solaris/entire@0.5.11,5.11-
root@usphlsuntest:~# pkg publisher
solaris                     origin   online F file:///export/11-1repo/
root@suntest:~# pkg list -af entire
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
entire                                            0.5.11-    i--
root@suntest:~# zoneadm list -cv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP    
   0 global           running    /                              solaris  shared
   1 bob              running    /rpool/bob                     solaris10 excl  
   2 testzone         running    /zones/testzone                solaris  excl  
   3 testzone11-1     running    /zones/testzone11-1            solaris  excl  
   - usphlvis01       configured /zones/usphlvis01              solaris10 excl  

is the zone a whole root zone or a partial?

if it's a standard zone it shares certain file systems with root and thus you don't need to update the zone separately it will automatically get updated when you update the Global zone.

also what does pkg publisher say?

thanks - yes it did update the zone automatically but only after I had trouble configuring the global zone IPS repo. I started out with a fresh 11.0 install and was able to create a zone with 11.0 repo... that zone took a pkg publisher of localhost as the global zone was using file:///export/repo11-0 which is where I copied the download. This is all being done on test system and I'm creating zones as I update - the system I will be working on is 11.0 and has zones on it with no pkg publisher - well they have the default which using oracle web site - there is no internet connection for these systems so I'm having to do it with local IPS repos. This forum won't let me put links in it until I have 5 posts but the pkg publisher on both my zones now are h t t p localhost 1008 solaris. My concern is when I attempt this on production system the update to the zones will not connect to the repo configured on the global zone. The repo on my zones was I guess automatically created when I built them from the corresponding repos... I built one zone at 11.0 it updated to 11.1 when I updated the global zone.. i created another zone with 11.1 repo. Right now I believe both my zones see the 11.1 repo via http connection but not sure what will happen when I change the repo to 11.2 - more so I'm concerned that none of this will work on production system as I belive the 11.0 zones on it where created with .flar file not a IPS repo... any guidance is appreciated.. thanks a lot - Steve

---------- Post updated at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous update was at 06:36 PM ----------

PS - I belive with Solaris 11 and above the zones are called Kernel zones and take the properties of global zone properties..

Here is global zone pkg publisher..

root@suntest:~# pkg publisher
solaris origin online F file:///export/11-1repo/

Here are both zones publishers

root@testzone:~# pkg publisher
solaris (syspub) origin online F <system-repository>

The original pkg publisher on teszone after it was created with 11.0repo and pre-update repo was

root@testzone:~# pkg publisher
solaris (syspub) origin online localhost:1008/solaris/33282b6a4e23725e2f8bed226e001415c59822cd/
solaris (syspub) origin online localhost:1008/solaris/85de7030275d53794b9da3089aafe72436621f1f/

then it changed to

root@testzone:~# pkg publisher
solaris (syspub) origin online localhost:1008/solaris/64d778c23faf291c05547397679007c683a7d502/

excuse the 2 above results as I can't post URL's yet until I have 5 posts... but there was an h t t p in front of localhost...

and now it's

root@testzone11-1:~# pkg publisher
solaris (syspub) origin online F <system-repository>

I guess after the update to 11.1 it no longer points to http connection

Now you see why it's so confusing... I made none of these changes to the zones - it was all done either during initial build or while updating global zone...

it appears to be linking back to the local repo in the GZ.