Solaris 11 package installation

I am installaing OVM Server on Sparc and while installation, it is failing on one package. It is not giving me a clear idea, what I need to do to fix it, or I am not able to understand it.

root@ovmi-host1:# ./install

Oracle VM Agent Release 3.4.6 Installer

- Installing Packages

Updating package cache                           1/1
Creating Plan (Solver setup): -
pkg install: No matching version of ovm/ovs-agent can be installed:
  Reject:  pkg://ovm/ovm/ovs-agent@3.4.6-
  Reason:  No version matching 'require' dependency system/io/test-drivers can be installed
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/system/io/test-drivers@11.4-
    Reason:  This version is excluded by installed incorporation consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation@11.4-

There was an error during the installation. The Oracle VM Agent
might not be fully installed or configured.

root@ovmi-host1:/# pkg list -af system/io/test-drivers
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
system/io/test-drivers (solaris)                  11.4-       ---
root@ovmi-host1:/# pkg list -af osnet-incorporation
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation (solaris) 11.4-       i--
consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation (solaris) 11.4-       ---

Please advise


Yes, it looks like you have a driver conflict, as you have indicated.

Did you try installing this way ?:

There are two ways to install OVM servers ( as I read)

  • With Oracle VM Server software, that comes with Solaris 11 + OVM software. That is bootable and you gave that in the suggested link.
  • install OVS software on pre-installed Solaris-11.

We are using link aggregation on the Sparc server. But if I go with your suggested link, it seems it is the plain interface with IP. Not sure, if this would be a hassle to convert it to aggr later. On switch end also, we have LACP configured so single interface won't work in our case. So I am trying to go with second option and fix this package issue.
I tried to upgrade SRU, assuming that it is running on lower than what OVS is expecting, but seems like, I am missing something

root@ovmi-host1:/# pkg publisher
solaris                     origin   online F file:///repo/
root@ovmi-host1:/# df -h /repo
Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
rpool/repo              25G    10G        15G    41%    /repo
root@ovmi-host1:/# ls -ltr /repo
total 34
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         347 Aug 16  2018 pkg5.repository
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         573 Aug 16  2018 readme.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        5949 Aug 16  2018 README-repo-iso.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        1626 Aug 16  2018 NOTICES
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        3440 Aug 16  2018 COPYRIGHT
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root           3 Feb 27 00:53 publisher
root@ovmi-host1:/# pkg list -af entire
NAME (PUBLISHER)                                  VERSION                    IFO
entire                                            11.4-       i--
entire                                            11.4-       ---
root@ovmi-host1:/# pkg update -nv
No updates available for this image.
root@ovmi-host1:/# pfexec pkg update -nv entire@11.4-
Creating Plan (Solver setup): /
pkg update: Package 'library/python/pillow-34' must be uninstalled or upgraded if the requested operation is to be performed.
  Reject:  pkg://solaris/library/python/pillow-34@5.1.0-
  Reason:  No version matching 'require' dependency image/library/openjpeg2@2.3.0- can be installed
    Reject:  pkg://solaris/image/library/openjpeg2@2.3.1-
    Reason:  Excluded by proposed incorporation 'consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation'

Alright, it needed a reboot and then it was fixed :slight_smile: