solaris 11 - creating a second IPS repo

I need some help getting a IPS repo setup for custom internal packages.

we already have an IPS for the oracle solaris package.

what I want is a repo called BOB that can be used for packages internal to company BOB.

I think I have created a repo called BOB, but it's not setup in the network service.

# pkgrepo info  -s /IPS/repo
BOB        0        online           2012-08-08T01:52:32.089639Z
solaris   4292     online           2012-08-14T22:49:04.742084Z
# pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
solaris                               origin   online
# pkg set-publisher -g BOB

pkg set-publisher: One or more of the repository origin(s) listed below contains package data for solaris; not BOB:

This is either because one of the repository origins is not valid for this publisher, or because the list of known publishers retrieved from the repository origin does not match the client.

all the documentation I can find is only about setting up the solaris publisher.


I needed to restart the service after I added the new publisher.