Solaris 10 on SPARC & x64/x86 hardware requirements

Hi folks

Doing practice certification questions but the answers to this question appear different everywhere I look? Is it also seems to be dependent on the S10 update version using at the moment in the market place? If the book was written over year back, then I suppose the hardware requirements may be different? Do the certification exams keep up to date with the S10 version being used at the moment and change their questions accordingly?

What are the minimum hardware requirements for a Solaris 10 install on a SPARC and on an x64/x86 system?

What are the minimum recommended hardware requirements for a Solaris 10 install on a SPARC and on an xi64/x86 system?

This includes processor speed, disk space and memory.

Also for software developers what would the above be?




Solaris 10 Operating System System Requirements


  • pressy

thanks...I have seen this page already but there are still a few gaps:

its states "Solaris requires at least 256 MB of memory for a normal installation" What is the definition of a NORMAL installation as other links state: text-based as SPARC 654-511MB and x86 384-511MB and SPARC GUI-based 512MB or greater and x86 512MB or other state: SPARC 384-511 Text-based and SPARC 512MB or greater GUI based (No mention of x86 here).

No mention of SPARC or x86 processor requirements on this page either.

Also this page states "6 GB for the most popular Solaris packages"
What are the most popular packages as a full install takes 6.8GB doesnt it?
Also what about x86 disk space?



The minimum amount of memory required for installing or upgrading to the Solaris 10 Operating System is 128 MB. If you are installing the Solaris 10 OS interactively, the installation method is the Java technology-based Wizard Install or text-based ttinstall, based on the amount of memory in the system. If the system has less than 384 MB, then ttinstall is selected. Otherwise Wizard Install is selected. If you are using tip line, then ttinstall will be the installation method.

SPARC based systems and x86 based systems should not deviate too far from the above statement.

Latest Solaris 10 update (10/08) documentation ( System Requirements and Recommendations (Solaris 10 10/08 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade) - Sun Microsystems ) states SPARC hardware requires 64 MB (?) to install in text mode while x86 based requires 384 MB.

ZFS root installations require at least 768 MB with 1 GB recommended.