Solaris 10 IPMP - failback=no

Hi all,

Just a few questions ->

Is an "OFFLINE" interface going back to "ONLINE" consider as a failback by IPMP ?

I have "FAILBACK=no" in my /etc/default/mpathd; however when i do the following
(igb0 and igb7 are in the same ipmp link based group)

q1) why does "if_mpadm -r igb7" cause the ip of igb7 (on igb0) to failback to igb7 when i have "FAILBACK=no" ?


q2) is there any difference between the following IPMP linked base (active, active) setup

a) active, active (1 active ip only, on the other interface)
e.g. hostname.igb0 ( hosta group group1 up )
hostname.igb7 ( group group1 up )

b) active, active (2 active ips , 1 on each interface)
e.g. hostname.igb0 ( hosta group group1 up )
hostname.igb7 ( hostb group group1 up )

