Solaris 10 install fails on sparc

I'm trying to do an upgrade/install from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10 on a SUN Sparc system.

I halt the system, as documented, but when I attempt to boot off the distribution DVD; i.e.

OK> boot cdrom

The system indicates that the device is 'unrecognizable'

These are SUN Solaris 10 distribution disks [3/05] and I can list their contents using the DVD drive I'm trying to install from.

Any help greatly appreciated.


It sounds like your OBP device aliases are incorrect. At the ok prompt do a devalias and verify your cdrom alias is pointing to the proper device.

and your solaris 10 version is rather old... you should maybe download the latest release from the sun website (9/05 aka update 7).

For your sparc system, check which of the Solaris 10 releases are supported first.
Also do a upgrade of the OBP(recommended). If both is done, and its still not working, possible to be a dvd problem... did you just try to boot off other solaris installation cd/dvd?

As suggested the Sun Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) is worth checking to see if Solaris 10 supports your hardware platform, it is at: BigAdmin - Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility List.

try a probe-scsi-all from the ok prompt. then do a show-disks and you should see your cdrom in the list, if you do not see it then the obp is not recognizing your cdrom drive. if you do see it you should then be able to devalias and see the path to your cdrom in show-disks is aliased to your cdrom. If it is not, or the path is wrong you can then do a
nvalias cdrom1 /dev/.../.../.. this will set up a new alias for the path to your cdrom known as cdrom1.
and then boot cdrom1 and you should be good.