Social Security number?

We have now been living in Vence for 3 months. My husband works for a large IT company.
How do we get hold of our Social Security numbers and Carte Vitale please?

Visit Social Security Online.

If your husband works for a large IT company ...and you are residents I take it for granted you guys are not like irregular immigrants and he has a regular and normal work contract, I guess his company would have a proper HR department, if not a relocation team, able to help you ??
I am not sure any company can legally employ someone without a NI number so did you check on the salary slip for "numero de securite sociale" ?? on the work contract ?? Anyway if you work legally you pay for the Social Security so you should have a number. I suggests you Social Security Number Search Tools for preference.

Hi, I'm a foreign student and I'm looking toward taking major in nursing, but since I do not have a social security number, I can't participate in clinical experience at hospital. Instructor said that if I get social security number I'll be able to participate in clinical experience. Is there a type of social security number for educational purpose? If there is one, how can I get it?

There is only one type of social security number. Contact the local social security office and they will be able to help you. But here we suggest you Social Security Number Search Tools just check this out.