SOAP::Lite question

I have setup web service requests using SOAP::Lite. I include the following entries which have been assigned, like the uri, protocol, fully qualified dns name, port, path, realm and pw. I also assign header information

eval {
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->new(
uri => $self->{uri},
proxy => [
credentials => ["$self->{fqdn}:$self->{port}",$self->{realm},$self->{id}=>$self->{pw}],
timeout => $self->{timeout}
on_fault => sub {
my($soap, $res) = @_;
die ref $res ? $res->faultdetail : $soap->transport->status, "\n";
my @params;


  push @params, $self->make\_element\($_, $self->\{method\_params\}->\{$_\}\) for sort keys %\{$self->\{method_params\}\};
  my $data = SOAP::Data->name\($self->\{method\_name\}\)->attr\($self->\{method_attr\}\);
  $self->\{content\} = $soap->call\($data => @params\);
  $self->\{request\} = $soap->serializer->envelope\(method => $data, @params\);

this works. i am able to send this soap request. But here is my dilemna now. The new soap request I need to build includes a wsdl file. Can someone help me code how to use perl to build the request with the wsdl file. I think it would be something like:

eval {
my $soap = SOAP::Lite->new(
service => 'file:/my path to wsdl file/wsdlfile.wsdl',

but then i need to add security headers like above and send the request. I don't know how to code that. Anybody can help?