Slowly Removing Bold Font Style - Step-by-Step


I'm slowly removing a lot of the bold font-styles from titles of discussions, forum titles, etc

I'm not removing bold for the entire site because we do need bold from time to time, especially in posts and sometimes in other places.

However, the original forum style had way too much bold text, and so today I removed bold from all <strong> elements on the site, like with this jQuery line:


I also removed bold from the CSS for the discussion thread titles in forum and search result views.

This helps a lot to keep the site cleaner and fresh and not so "bold".

On the other hand, if anyone sees any parts of the forum that used to be "bold" and now it's gone and they really want bold, please post back and let me know exactly, preferable with links and screen shots. Even better, open the source code or web dev tools in your browser and let me know the exact code you want to "bold again'.

Cheers and Thanks!

Update: Removed even more original CSS bold text !!

$('strong, .thead, .tcat').css({'font-weight':'normal','font-style':'normal'});

Update: Added a small bit of bold back in !!

Normal font weight is 400, bold is 700, so I'm trying 500:

$('strong, .thead, .tcat').css({'font-weight':'500,'font-style':'normal'});

Anyway, please let me know what you think.

If you like the older, bolder fonts as they were, it's easy to add them back into the site. However, I'm thinking that the '500' font-weight replacing the '700' weight for <strong> is a good compromise. '600' would be a lot bolder and '700' is really bold, I think.... but that's just me and often my ideas not the best and so please comment.


I appreciated the bold face to tell unread new posts from already read ones in e.g. "today's posts".


I just reverted the changes I made... maybe I was a bit too hasty in this caper.

Commented out for now...

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When you get a chance, please post both:

  • The link to the page
  • Screenshot of the bold text

Of any "bold text" you think we can nix.

I would like to nix some of the bold text on the site if there are no objections.