sleep command

Did the sleep command work for hours or only minutes

just give description to work on my script

waiting for the earliest response

It works for both, its unit is based on number of seconds. Check the man page.

Sleep is quite capable of sleeping for large amounts of time (ie 1 hour and beyond), but it may not support specifying the time to sleep as a number of hours on the command line.

This depends on your OS and shell (sleep is a shell function in ksh93 which accepts a decimal number of seconds e.g. sleep 0.25).

Type `man sleep' for details on your system,
most linux flavours have GNU sleep which supports a SUFFIX of `s' for seconds (the default), `m' for minutes, `h' for hours and `d' for days.

You can always multiply the number of hours by 3600 to get seconds if you version of sleep dosn't support the h SUFFIX.

PLz tell me about the CPU utilization's for sleep command what will happen if we given more than a 6 hours as sleep time it ll impact the production please provide clarification.

Sleep is very low overhead, as it sets up for SIGALARM and is utterly inactive until it expires. Of course, some people get antsy about comatose app's and sleep for less time many times, perhaps logging their progress toward a calculated stop time.

You probably cannot sleep past 2038, when the UNIX clock turns over to the sign bit.