Simulate a ATM (cash machine) on UNIX(Putty) using scritps

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  1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
    I need to create a simple ATM (Cash machine simulation in unix) which shows a welcome screen, then a login screen to enter 3 users details. help please on the coding

The users details need to be in a txt file: the details are: (PIN No, First name last name, Account number, Balance, Histrosy)

PIN001, Dale Cooper, 111, 1000, History
PIN002, Paul Atreides, 222, 2000, History
PIN003, Ray Manzarek, 333, 3000, History

I Understand this can be written in a script. If so, if anyone can help with creating a script that shows "Welcome to ATM Machine", What is your name? (the user would then input their name to log on. Then enter there pin number which is attached to the file to show their balance. It may seem very simple to create but I urgently need help.

I am using Putty on a Windows machine.

  1. Relevant commands, code, scripts, algorithms:
    In Putty, I have created the simple directory. But thats it

  2. The attempts at a solution (include all code and scripts):
    Attempted to write a script, but unsecessful in vi editor

  3. Complete Name of School (University), City (State), Country, Name of Professor, and Course Number (Link to Course):

Middlesex University, London, Dr Mark Smythe, Course PDE3020 Coding and Practise.

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This is a simple problem.

You simply use a shell script that runs and asks for a userid and pin number. Then, it asks how much they want to withdraw, checks balance, subtracts from balance, displays balance etc.

It is basically quite simple. Just start with a simple program to input a value from the shell, asking the user for input, and go from there.

Then try in pseudocode to write an algorithm which
1) check if the user can withdraw the wanted amount (using balance...)
2) the proper algorithm of the money to give (highest note first etc...)
e.g no 50� in the box -> give back in 20� if not in 10� etc.. you get the idea of the appointed task now

Good luck