Show entire lines with diff command


When I run the diff command using diff -yt file1 file2, I get the output in which original lines are truncated.

I tried using -W switch with diff. However, that does not produce exact output as I want. Is it possible to show entire line of file1 and file2 in diff command's output?

Thanks in advance.

please provide the sample input files and expected output.

This is the first sample line in my file1, I want to see full content in the diff result.
This is the first sample line in my file2, I want to see full content in the diff result.

Current Result:

diff -yt file1 file2
This is the first sample line in my file1, I want to see full c |  This is the first sample line in my file2, I want to see full c

In the side by side difference view, I want:
This is the first sample line in my file1, I want to see full content in the diff result. | This is the first sample line in my file2, I want to see full content in the diff result.

You can use the -W or --width option. See the man page.

As I mentioned, -W doesn't produce exact output as I want. I want to preserve the alignment of original file and hence, have to use -yt.

I beg your pardon - I missed that in your original post.

Having said that, -W seems to give the desired output. What's wrong with the output of -W?

If I provide -W 250, I understand both the file's content will be adjusted in width of 125 characters, correct me if I am wrong. and if that's correct, then what about the files that have longer than 125 characters?

Yes, correct. So you can use a large value of -W, but that would leave whitespace at the end, that you don't want?

I couldn't see a way to remove that whitespace using diff alone.

diff -yt -W10000 file1 file2 | while read LINE; do echo $LINE; done

Thanks for the reply Scottn. What I am trying to do is produce a colorful side-by-side difference between two files. and for that, I am parsing the output of diff command and therefore, it is very important to have "|","<" and ">" occur at the same place throughout the diff result. Also, the additional spaces will make the end result ugly.