Short command to create two files >{respo,nd}.php (with "tee" command?)

08:29 < xsi> >{respo,nd}.php bash: {respo,nd}.php: ambiguous redirect
08:31 < geirha> xsi: maybe you want tee

So I was advised to do so. And I can't create two OR MORE files at once with {a,b,c,d,e,f}.php
(which I quickly now need to create and to learn to create in the future to quickly remember and finally fix in memory.

The usual way of creating several files is with touch , as in:

touch a.php b.php c.php d.php e.php f.php

Did you ask geirha to explain his answer?

From the bash manual, redirections are ...

You simply can't send 1 fd to two, without an intermediate process. tee gets it's name from like a T joint in a pipe. It will send to many files, but also back to stdout. Perhaps you don't want stdout, though?

mute@thedoctor:~/temp/xsi$ echo 'Hello world!' > >(tee {respo,nd}.php >/dev/null)
mute@thedoctor:~/temp/xsi$ grep . *php
nd.php:Hello world!
respo.php:Hello world!