Shell/perl script to check for files


I am trying to write a script for following scenario:

I have a list of countries from where I receive (Indonesia, Thailand, Australia...etc)

For each country, I have a list of files that they send.

IND -- a,b,c
TH -- p,q,r
AU -- x,y,z
The path for these files could be common, or exclusive to a particular country.

For each country, I also have a list of holidays. eg.

IND - Jan 1 , May 1
TH - Jun 20, May 1
AU - Dec 25 , Oct 21..

For these holidays, I also have an exclusion list.

So, even if it's a holiday, say for TH, we would still get files p & r (not q) - and this rule is valid for all holidays in TH. Similarly for other countries.

I need to do the following:

  1. Loop through the countries
  2. For each country check if current day is a holiday
  3. If not a holiday, check if file exists
  4. If it's a holiday for a particular country, check the exclusion list, and determine if the holiday files have arrived.
  5. Have a detailed output such as:

    Country Filename Date Comments
    TH p 6/20 Received
    TH q 6/20 not expected, as Holiday
    TH r 6/20 expected - but not received !

Challenges that I am facing:

  • How do I maintain the static data?
  • For list of countries I can have a txt file
  • For Holidays, should I have a csv file
  • Can I include, all info in a csv file? If yes, how should it be structured?

Would appreciate if people can share best practices, or give me some pseudo code/ code or pointers...Any help is much appreciated.

This needs to be a .ksh or a maybe a perl script. I am thinking perl, because I may be able to organise the data as an array.


Is this homework? What have you tried so far?

You can have one csv file with below format