Shell script with mutiple steps/commands, on UNIX servers


I wrote a simple script, which will call other scripts or run commands on a UNIX server. my script has multiple steps/commands with some delay in between.
I usually get some email notifications after the successful execution of each step.

**My intention is to get email alerts when it is success and Failure. And it should stop at that point. It should not execute next step and should end the program there itself.

any idea pls.


Why don't you show us what you have and we'll show you how to check for errors.

What shell are you using?

you can take the exit status of the previous command from

so after each command is executed check the value $?. if it contains 0 then the previous command was successfully executed else any nonzero value indicates command failed.

ls -l
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "command successfully executed"
   mailx "sub" "mail_id" < body.txt
   echo "command failed"
   mailx "sub" "mail_id" < body.txt
   exit 1

@ Don Cragun

I just modified some of my code......anyway
i would like to run the below script, which has different steps.
if step 1 fails, then i need to get email notification and script should not execute next step.




ps -ef | grep java> /tmp/status1.log | mailx -s "JVM status before start" $MAILTO < /tmp/status1.log

/was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log | mailx -s "ALERT: dmgr started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log

sleep 30
 /was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log | mailx -s "ALERT: node started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log

sleep 30

/was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log | mailx -s "ALERT: server started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log

ps -ef | grep java > /tmp/status2.log | mailx -s " node1 got started" $MAILTO < /tmp/status2.log

######### node 2 #############
date >> /tmp/b4strtnd2.log

ssh noide2 exec /tmp/script/


@ Little
thanks for your input. I think i tried that option. But will do using your example. may be i did some mistake.

but if you see my script above, i would like to get the exit status and if step 1 fails, then i need to get email notification and script should not execute the next step.

Thanks.........appreciate your help

This is untested, but should do what I think you're asking for:


ps -ef | grep '[j]ava' | mailx -s "JVM status before start" $MAILTO

if ! /was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log
then    mailx -s "ALERT: dmgr started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log
        exit 1
sleep 30

if ! /was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log
then    mailx -s "ALERT: node started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log
        exit 2
sleep 30

if ! /was/abc/bin/ > /tmp/start.log
then    mailx -s "ALERT: server started $SERVER at $DATE" $MAILTO < /tmp/start.log
        exit 3
ps -ef | grep "[j]ava" | mailx -s " node1 got started" $MAILTO

######### node 2 #############
date >> /tmp/b4strtnd2.log

ssh noide2 exec /tmp/script/


Did you really intend ssh noide2 , or should it have been ssh node2 ?

Note that this will only work correctly if /was/abc/bin/ , /was/abc/bin/ , and /was/abc/bin/ all return exit status 0 if they complete successfully and return a non-zero exit status if they fail. Assuming that is true this script will return exit status 1, 2, or 3, respectively if one of those scripts fails; otherwise it will return with the exit status from /tmp/script/ on noide2.

@Don Cragun

Thanks much for your help! Just want to confirm something. I do understand that it will send me the exit status of each step. But in case if a step fails......then will it stop there itself ??
instead of executing next step?

And can we get a single attachment instead of multiple emails? and i am not receiving anything as an attachment instead am receiving all the information in the email body.

not urgent/impt........pls take your time and give some idea

Thank you