shell script to take input from a text file and perform check on each servers and copy files

HI all,

I want to script where all the server names will be in a text file like
server3 . and the script should take servernames from a text file and perform copy of files if the files are not present on those servers.after which it should take next servername till the end of the line and exit. i have done a scripting to login to servers using ssh and copy files please help me, below is my script

# This  script will check for focal foint files in the given server and path if it does not exists it will copy files and then install the agents

echo " please enter the server name "
if ! ssh $SERVERNAME -i  $HOME/identity-test/id_rsa "ls -l /home/jdmello/testransfer/testdest/*_extracted";
 scp -i  $HOME/identity-test/id_rsa ~/testransfer/testsource/*_extracted  $SERVERNAME:/home/jdmello/testransfer/testdest/