Shell script: substitute value in text file

Hi gurus,

I need help with shell script. I have various INSERT queries which inserts data into database. I want to insert 3rd column data into newline for one particular table. I have very time long txt file everytime and it have various INSERT/UPDATE queries but i have to done with it only one table. Here is input

INSERT INTO test1 column1,column2 VALUES (column1value,column2value);
INSERT INTO test2 column1,column2,column3 VALUES (column1value,column2value,column3value);
INSERT INTO test3 column1 VALUES (column1value);

I need following as output so when database recieves \n character it will inserts data in new line i believe. I need this with only test2 table. I am not sure how to match pattern because everytime test2 table column2value is unique. I thaught it can be done by sed or awk.

INSERT INTO test1 column1,column2 VALUES (column1value,column2value);
INSERT INTO test2 column1,column2,column3 VALUES (column1value,column2value,\ncolumn3value);
INSERT INTO test3 column1 VALUES (column1value);

Any help appreciated.

Try something like this:

awk -F, '/INSERT INTO test2/ {$((NF+5)/2)="\\n" $((NF+5)/2)}1' OFS="," file

You could also use sed:

sed -i '/INTO test2 / s/,\([^,]*);\)/,\\n\1/' file

Notice the space after 2, which guarantees you will not match 20.
\( ... \) captures text that is copied to the output using \1.
[^,]*); matches zero or more non-comma characters (column3value) followed by );.

This command don't add the "\n" in the 3th column if you have more then 3 columns, but may be sufficient for the purpose of the OP.

awk  'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}/INTO test2/{$NF="\\n"$NF}1' urfile


Franklin, i tried your command

awk -F, '/INSERT INTO test2/ {$((NF+5)/2)="\\n" $((NF+5)/2)}1' OFS="," inputfile

It outputs perfectly as "\ncolumn3value" but i forgot to mention that column3value is in single quote it results "\ncolumn3value" while i want it to be as '\ncolumn3value' within single quotes.

Origninal i have to try it with UPDATE query and output should be as follows \n character need to be in single quotes:

UPDATE test2 set c = Concat(chat, 'testing '),s_count = '0', b_count = '0',t_lines = LENGTH(c) - LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\n ', '')), c_end = now() where id = '504';

Franklin, can you please also explain query.

Thank you for your help.

---------- Post updated at 07:54 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:09 AM ----------

this is the input.

UPDATE test2 set c = Concat(chat, 'testing '),s_count = '0', b_count = '0',t_lines = LENGTH(c) - LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\n ', '')), c_end = now() where id = '504';

and output should be

UPDATE test2 set c = Concat(chat, 'testing '),s_count = '0', b_count = '0',t_lines = LENGTH(c) - LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\n ', '')), c_end = now() where id = '504';

---------- Post updated at 07:57 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:54 AM ----------

Ah.. sorry for the mistake in iput file.
this is the input.

UPDATE test2 set c = Concat(chat, 'testing '),s_count = '0', b_count = '0',t_lines = LENGTH(c) - LENGTH(REPLACE(c, ' ', '')), c_end = now() where id = '504';

and output should be

UPDATE test2 set c = Concat(chat, 'testing '),s_count = '0', b_count = '0',t_lines = LENGTH(c) - LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\n ', '')), c_end = now() where id = '504';

while no other command works for me mentioned by rdcwayx and KenJackson.

The solutions above is not suitable for arbitrary lines, for the line starting with "UPDATE" you could do it straight with sed like this:

sed "/UPDATE test2/ s/LENGTH(REPLACE(c, ' ', ''))/LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\\\n ', ''))/" file

LENGTH? REPLACE? in sed? That looks like awk.

I think this will work.

sed -i "/INTO test2 / s/\(([^,]*,[^,]*,\)\([^,)]*\)/\1'\\n\2'/" file

\(([^,]*,[^,],\) captures a paren, (, two fields and the commas that follow each,
\) captures the third field, but stops before the delimiting comma or paren,
\1 prints what was captured in the first parens,
'\\n\2' prints the third field, with additions.

It has nothing to do with awk :), the sed command substitutes:

LENGTH(REPLACE(c, ' ', ''))


LENGTH(REPLACE(c, '\\\n ', ''))