Shell Script : Need Help

I've a file Test.log. The contents of the file is as follows :


I want to run a script that should delete all the lines that doesnot start with '***--'

I ran the below script :

nawk 'match($0,"***--") != 0 {print $0}' Prcs_Schdlr_Check.log > Result.log

It is giving the below message :

nawk: illegal primary in regular expression ***-- at **--
source line number 1
context is
>>> match($0,"***--") <<<

Could some one please tell me what am doing wrong?
I'm running the script on SunOS 5.10

sed '/^***--/d' Prcs_Schdlr_Check.log > Result.log
nawk '!/^\*\*\*--/' Prcs_Schdlr_Check.log > Result.log

Hi vgersh99,

Thanks a lot for your quick response.

The code that you gave is deleting all the lines that start with '***--'

But I wanted it in the other way. It should delete all the lines except those starting with '--'. In other words, the output should have only the lines starting with '--'



nawk '/^\*\*\*--/' myFile
sed -n '/^***--/p' myFile

sed -n '/^***--/p' yourfile

It worked !!!
Thanks a lot guys for your lightening quick responses... :slight_smile: