Shell running setup in Korn ?

I am starting to code a few ideas of customization and tasks improvements on the office UNIX machine. My first script (see below) only contains ALIAS commands. But for some reason, when I execute it, the alias are not executed. I suspect it is because of the "#!/bin/ksh" not being recognized or something.

Unix machine is :

  • Operating system ..: AIX \(64Bit\)
  • Version / release .: 5.2

using Korn shell

My simple script is :

#set -x
# Alias Script
# created on : Aug-9, 2006
# created by :
# modified on:
# description : simply alias commands that I
# need for my work to make it easier

alias goto_ae='cd /usr/local/Tivoli/custom/policy'
alias ll='ls -al'

>ls -al
-rwx------ 1 cacv548h tivadm 333 Aug 9 20:46

When I execute it ("sh"). It ends without any messages nor problems. But when I execute either new alias, they are not recognized. If I define them on the command line the same way they are in my script, it works.

I tried accessing "man alias" but just about every UNIX commands aren't defined in this system's man.

To execute your script in your current environment use "." not "sh".

Both "." and "alias" are shell built-ins, so do not have man pages. Take a look at man ksh instead.

In trying to find the Korn version, I tried these 2 ways found in another thread. Both didn't give me an answer.
>print ${.sh.version}
ksh: ${.sh.version}: 0403-011 The specified substitution is not valid for this command.
>what /bin/ksh | grep Version

At logon time I get this as the possible O/S version ?

  • Operating system ..: AIX \(64Bit\)
  • Version / release .: 5.2

Accessing the manual on anything is not helpfull as nothing seams to be defined in 'man'.
>man ksh
Manual entry for ksh not found or not installed.
>man ls
Manual entry for ls not found or not installed.
>man ps
Manual entry for ps not found or not installed.
>man cd
Manual entry for cd not found or not installed.
Usage: man [[[-ct] [section]] | [-f | -k]] [-M path] [-r] name...

If I do like you said, I get an error :

ksh: not found

I found another script who's first line is '#/bin/ksh' and not '#!/bin/ksh' but using either method simply doesn't work with my script :
ksh: ll: not found
ksh: not found

That other script I mentioned actualy works as I ran it last week. Could it be that the problem is isolated to the ALIAS command in scripts ?

In finding other shells I have access to :
>ls /bin/*sh*

in /etc/passwd, my ID is there with '/usr/bin/ksh' at the end. So I assume, at logon, I fall into Korn shell ?

Assuming the problem is isolated to ALIAS commands in a shell script, I modified my script to :
#set -x
# Alias Script
# created on : Aug-9, 2006
# created by : fapicard
# modified on:
# description : simply alias commands that I
# need for my work to make it easier
echo "before alias"
alias goto_ae='cd /usr/local/Tivoli/custom/policy'
alias ll='ls -al'
echo "after alias"

before alias
after alias

I executed it and got the echo printouts. So there is a problem with the ALIAS but why ?

. ./

It works !

but why would some script have #/bin/ksh instead of #!/bin/ksh ?
having such a difference would influence how the scripts are being called ?