shell program


i have problem in awk filter in shell to concatenate two string

plz send me a solution as soon as possible

                                                                  jyoti ardeshana

could you please post your problem in an elaborate way

with sample input,
required output
and the problem you are encountering.

that would be helpful to understand the problem.

Hi Jyoti,
lets play sherlock holmes,
guess this will help you, "man awk"
Within man awk, try to search for string functions like substr, index, match, etc. and you may run across one you are looking for.


input : jyoti
output : iotyj
the problem is i want to read a data from file and reverse that word and print it if original word is equal to reverse word than display it using "awk " filter in shell programming

plz send me solution as soon as possible

See this thread for multiple solutions for reversing a word - Reversing and trim a String through SHELL script