sgi 6.5 to windows nt

could anyone tell me how to network an sgi octane to a windows based machine. i am able to get internet access but the machines do not see each other on the network.
thanks :confused:

Also, use the search function of this site.

setup samba for irix6.5. the samba software in sgi's freeware cd. modify a user account in sgi (e.g.pc).then config it in sgi'samba. http://localhostname:901
admin user name default :root
passwd same root.

1.add pc user into samba user.
2.share a dir chmod 775 dir name.

samba home dir at /usr/samba/sbin

setup finished,you can login windows98 or win200 use above sgi'user pc account . then you finded sgi in net neighbor. OK!!