setting up OpenBSD 4.0

ok these questions may be a little silly but I just started using OpenBSD as I came from Linux...

  1. How do I make my desktop in X all snazzy like, I have wallpapers that need to be used. while I admit it will mainly be used for things I wont need a wallpaper for, you just never know :p, im assuming I need winmaker or whatever it may be called?

  2. I know how to add users but how do I encrypt the passwords? ... I tried reading through the man pages and the such but they never just come out and say "adduser blah blah -e" or w/e the case may be.

  3. how do I change my hostname if I made a mistake :smiley: ?

I believe that is all...

Thanks in advance.

  1. What GUI you have selected on the initial install ?
  2. adduser is interactive on BSD, it will ask you for each step + it will encrypt the password, of course.
  3. hostname <newhostname> = change the hostname, but you will need to restart the machine, or alternatively replace the entry in "/etc/rc.conf" and reboot.

I have just a standard X running (not sure what, its ugly with a clock showing the wrong time in the right corner... im sure that doesnt help :P), however want to run Gnome... someone was saying I have to run the ports package or some such to install gnome but this brings me to another problem...

how do I get packages or the ports file from a CD onto my computer, I sadly need to go shopping for an ethernet cable so I can FTP everything but seeing as I dont have one right now all I can do is burn packages I want then copy them to OpenBSD... how?

Thanks for the help on the other two problems tho :slight_smile:

Have you read the OpenBSD FAQ?

I actually got everything set up, thank you tho... the only problem is editing my fstab to mount my floppy and cdrom doesnt seem to work even when following the openbsd FAQ, creating running/working icons within gnome desktop... as well as making my computer dhcp... i have to open a terminal within gnome and type #dhclient dc0... it gets old after awhile :stuck_out_tongue: