set env in login file


I have inserted the following line in my local.login file

setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7

Then when I do an echo

I get a blank line. Am I setting up ORACLE_HOME incorrectly?


just a guess, but try


Then echo the variable $ORACLE_HOME

hope that helps...

this might be different on some unix variants but i'm not sure. Have fun with your databasing.

dont forget to export that.

In K shell , I do
$ORACLE_HOME = "/u00/...../8.1.7"
and then
$echo $ORACLE_HOME gives me the desired result. But I wanted to maintain this for each session.

Also, on C Shell, this thing works from command line
setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7

But again I would like to put it in my .cshrc file so that I get these values when I start my session. Any inputs?