Serial terminal emulation - bad row column count ?


I connect to linux using serial cable from windows machine.
I use putty as serial terminal emulator.

Everything works fine except programs which scroll text - man, more, less, vi, etc.. These programs asumme my terminal size is 80cols x 24rows (my putty window size is more than that, and I resize putty window sometimes)
The cause of this is that putty does not transfer cols rows count correctly:

# stty -a
speed 38400 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0;

So programs use default 80x24 because actual col/row settings are zeros.
In contrast if I use the same putty(same settings) but ssh connection - I can clearly see how col/row settings change when I resize my putty window - and col/row numbers are correct. (so maybe not putty's fault?)

Anyway workaroud would be to freeze putty window size and insert stty command into startup scripts which sets correct col/row sizes of current putty window (I will be unable to resize putty window in this case).

Anyone knows the way to configure putty(serial connection) to transfer correct col/rows to linux even when putty window is resized dynamically - like using putty ssh?


You might be getting a different terminal type over serial than over ssh. Resizing the terminal wouldn't generally make sense for a hardwired serial device.