Sending and Receiving data between Client, HTTP Proxy, and Remote Server

I am having problems receiving data from a remote server. It seems that I can send an HTTP request to any host such as, but I can't get a reply.
I'm sending the host a HTTP 1.0 request that is formatted as such:

GET / HTTP/1.0
Connection: close

Here are is part of the proxy code:

        //Parse Request Buffer
        HttpRequest req;
        req.ParseRequest(request.c_str(), request.length());

        //Format Data to be Sent:
        req.AddHeader ("Connection", "close");  // add connection close headers
        req.SetVersion ("1.0");                 // set http 1.0 flag
        char *requestBuf = new char [req.GetTotalLength()];

        //Get host IP by name
        struct hostent *host;
        host = gethostbyname(req.GetHost().c_str());

        //Setup remote address structure
        struct sockaddr_in remoteAddr;
        remoteAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;	 
        remoteAddr.sin_port = htons(req.GetPort());   
        remoteAddr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr);

        //create new socket for remote server
        int remoteSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        if(remoteSock < 0)
                perror("Socket Error");
                //return -1;

        //connecting to remote server
        if(connect(remoteSock, (struct sockaddr *)&remoteAddr, sizeof(remoteAddr)) < 0)
                perror("Connect Error");
                //return -1;

        cout.flush() << requestBuf << endl;
        //send request to remote server
        if(send(remoteSock, requestBuf, sizeof(requestBuf), 0) < 0)
                perror("Write Error");
                //return -1;

        //receive reply from server
        char *recBuf = new char [1024];
        int bufSize = 1024;
        int readSize;
                readSize = read(remoteSock, recBuf, bufSize);   //Read from Remote Server
                cout.flush() << recBuf << endl;
                if(readSize <= 0)       //If the requestBuf not filled, nothing left to send to client
                write(clientSock, recBuf, readSize);            //write reply to Client



The cout.flush() of recBuf outputs nothing.<br>
Any ideas on whats going on?