Send a mail to multiple users

I have a file 1.txt which has 3 mail ids as below:

Now I want to write a script which will read this file and send the mail to all the users present in this file.

So what have you tried so far?

I know the mail command to send the mail to one user.
But i am not sure how to rad a file having multiple mail ids and then send the mail to all thise mail ids present in that file.
cat mailbody.txt | mail -s "abc"

A bash approach:


while read line
        [[ "$line" =~ "^Maillist" ]] && mail_ids="${line##*=}"

done < 1.txt

mail -s "Subject" "$mail_ids" < mailbody.txt

Can we use some approach where we grep the keyword Maillist= and use cut command to delete everything except mail ids and then send the mail..
Something like below:

Email=`grep "MailList=" /1.txt | cut -f2 -d=`;
mail -s "Subject" "$Email" < mailbody.txt

But above is not working.

if each line contains 3 email id then try something like this

while read line
               IFS='= ' read  f1 f2 f3 f4<<<"$line"
               echo $f2 $f3 $f4
               mail -s "Hello" $f2
               mail -s "Hello" $f3
               mail -s "Hello" $f4
done <"1.txt"

I think you can add the address list as is as arguments to mail. Read the man page.