Select command help with blank input value

I have a select menu driven script using a case statment and cannot control what happens after a user's input is just <ENTER> or the <SPACEBAR>+<ENTER>. I want it to just hit the "MAIN" function and not redraw the options. I've look everywhere for the answer and am at a loss.

Here's the code:


echo " Main Menu"
echo "--------------------------"
PS3=$'--------------------------\n\nSelect Option: '

select option in "Refresh" "Exit" "Stop" "Start"
        case ${option} in
                   '') echo "Invalid Choice";sleep 2;MAIN;;
               "Exit") exit;;
            "Refresh") MAIN;;
               "Stop") echo STOP;exit;;
              "Start") echo START;exit;;




Here's what the screen looks like when executed:

Main Menu
1) Refresh
2) Exit
3) Stop
4) Start

Select Option:

When you press <ENTER> or the <SPACEBAR>+<ENTER> from this menu it shows this:

Main Menu
1) Refresh
2) Exit
3) Stop
4) Start

Select Option: 
1) Refresh
2) Exit
3) Stop
4) Start

Select Option: [/COLOR]

I figured that the '') in the case statement would work but it is only handling any selection that is not valid. I figured that <ENTER> or the <SPACEBAR>+<ENTER> would be caught under this but it isn't.

If anyone know how to correct this your would be much appreciated.

<space><enter> behave as you expected: "invalid choice " is displayed for 2 seconds, and then MAIN is executed (BTW, be careful with unterminated recursion here!).
The behaviour of <enter> alone is a feature of the select command, see its man page.

<enter> or <space><enter> are not behaving as expected it does not go to "invalid choice" for 2 secs, then MAIN, it's just displaying the menu list down on the screen over and over, hence this is my issue I'm wanting to correct. That behaviour doesn't not seem right.

I didn't think there would be a solid answer on this since I could not find any information online about this issue.

What if something else is entered, i.e. not a number? Consider also a wildcard option for your case statement:-

case this in
   a) x=1 ;;
   b) x=2 ;;
   c) x=3 ;;
   *) echo "Invalid" ;;

I thinks that select is working as designed. It is simple enough and work, but not that flexible, however I am very happy to use it. Perhaps you could allow any input and then work on the choice outside of the select loop, just calling it to display your menu.

