sed&awk: replace lines with counting numbers

Dear board,
(I am trying to post this the 3rd time, seems there's some conflicts with my firefox with this forum, now use IE)

yes, I have searched the forum, but seems my ? is too complicated.
------------origianl file ---------------

qweqweqe qweq234erg567&(*&234234

----------what I want-------------------

qweqweqe qweq234erg567&(*&234234

I have tried a shell script to get first the link list and then use a "while do"
but not successful.

Really appreciate any advice

Thanks in advance!

Based on your sample data, it seems that for every record that ends with "test.rec" you wish to make the change and all other lines are to be left as is. If that is correct, then this should work:

awk ' BEGIN { c=10000; }
    /test.rec$/ { printf( "\\newplace\\%d.rec\n", c++ ); next; }
    { print; } ' input-file >output-file


while IFS= read -r line; do 
  case $line in 
    \\storage*) printf "%s%05d\n" '\newplace\' $((i+=1)) ;; 
    *)          printf "%s\n" "$line" ;;
done < infile

Thanks agama & Scrunitzer!

I am trying the method of agama, it is one line... But How if the newplace is also a variable, i.e. NewPath=newplace

but withe awk line, both symbols of ' & " have already used, how to transfer the variable into that line?

awk ' BEGIN { c=10000; } /test.rec$/ { printf( "$NewPath\\%d.rec\n", c++ ); next; }  { print; } ' input-file >output-file

But $NewPath cannot be recognized.

I assume you have defined NewPlace as a shell variable. If so, you can import it into the awk in one of two ways:

awk ' BEGIN { c=10000; } 
   /test.rec$/ { printf( "%s\\%d.rec\n", newpath, c++ ); next; }  
   { print; } '  newpath="$NewPath" input-file >output-file
awk -v newpath="$NewPath"  ' BEGIN { c=10000; } 
   /test.rec$/ { printf( "%s\\%d.rec\n", newpath, c++ ); next; }  
   { print; } '  input-file >output-file

In both cases the awk variable newpath is assigned at the start of the script with the value of the shell variable. Some versions (older) of awk don't support the -v option, so I've given you both formats.