sed with many special characters

I started with this:

cp file.txt  file_${counter1}.tmp
while read name1

    echo $name1
    counter2=`expr $counter1 + 1`
    sed /'${name1}'/d  file_${counter1}.txt >  file_${counter2}.txt
    counter1=`expr $counter1 + 1`

done < source.txt

source.txt contains the following:

$ *&and Element Properties for region : *IFS_LH_AR_cp.8330302
$ Composite /Prop^&erty Record crea(^&ted from P3/PATRAN )( material
$ record : pcomp.8330302 !~()
$ Composite Material Description :
PCOMP    8330302-.535                           75.      0.
         8330305.045     0.      YES     @#*.       0.      YES
         8330306.025     0.      YES ^*

Is there a way for sed to ignore special characters and assume that special character as it is and find it in the file.txt without hicups?

thanks in advance for the help...

Your code is complicated. It looks like you a removing the embedded filename inside a file then writing it out, resulting in one large file.

try this

cat $( < source.txt) | grep -v -f source.txt > newbigfile

This won't work if the filenames in source.txt have spaces or odd characters.
If that is the case start with this

awk '{ printf("'%s'", $0) }' source.txt > src.txt
cat $( < source.txt) | grep -v -f src.txt > newbigfile

IF this doesn't work post the contents of source.txt