SED to replace file content

I want to replace _F* by _F in a xml file. what is the sed command.
I have tried sed "s/_F$/_F/g" or sed "s/_F*/_F/g" , but it does not work. thx

file content

desire output


sed 's/_F[^<]*/_F/g'

Hi Ygor
It almost done. But my file actually is

you command cut the <CODE="KC_FABCDG"> become <CODE="KC_F

Why didn't you post what your file actually is to start with?

sed 's/_F[^<"]*/_F/g'

sorry , I am not a programmer. may be I don't know how to ask in correct way.
what if I want to keep <CODE......> line unchanged. only <TAG>.... is replaced.
the output become

sed '/<TAG>/s/_F[^<]*/_F/'

it works . thx Ygor and cherry