sed on an environment variable ?

Can I sed on an environment variable, even if I don't need to actually change said (hah, hah) variable? Something like:

sed s/xyz/abc/g $myvar

Then if I did need to change $myvar I could maybe do:

$myvar=`sed s/xyz/abc/g $myvar`

So myvar is holding data?

I normally pipe through sed....

echo "$myvar" | sed ......

That's what I was hoping to avoid

With zsh, ksh93 and bash:

printf "%s\n" "${myvar//xyz/abc}"

With zsh you have vared :slight_smile:

And if you insist to use sed:

with here string (if your shell supports them):

sed 's/xyz/abc/g'<<<$myvar

Otherwise you can use here document.