sed help - search/copy from one file and search/paste to another

I am a newbie and would like some help with the following -

Trying to search fileA for a string similar to -

AS11000022010   30.4   31.7   43.7   53.8   60.5   71.1   75.2   74.7   66.9   56.6   42.7   32.5   53.3

I then want to replace that string with a string from fileB -

AS11000022010  30.92  32.42  44.44  54.30  60.92  71.42  75.55  74.89  67.07  56.72  42.99  32.89  53.71

There are multiple lines of data so it would be every instance of AS1100002.

Thanks in advance

Not sure about using sed for this, but here is a solution using awk:

awk 'NR==FNR { K[$1]=$0; next }
{ if($1 in K) $0=K[$1]; print }' fileB fileA

Or if you only want to search/replace for a given value:

awk -vN=AS11000022010  'NR==FNR { if($1 == N)K[$1]=$0; next }
{ if($1 in K) $0=K[$1]; print }' fileB fileA

Thanks Chubler.

The code

awk -vN=AS11000022010  'NR==FNR { if($1 == N)K[$1]=$0; next }
{ if($1 in K) $0=K[$1]; print }' fileB fileA

will produce one line of variables.

Im still trying to figure out

1) how to return multiple lines of variables. Basically need to figure out how to include a wildcard in the AS110000* using AWK.

2) instead of printing out on the screen - what is the correct code for embedding the output it in a file.


For wild card matching use awk ~ operator instead of ==
Not sure what you mean by embedding output, but you can redirect the output of awk to a file with > filename , like this:

awk -vN=AS110000*  'NR==FNR { if($1 ~ N)K[$1]=$0; next }
{ if($1 in K) $0=K[$1]; print }' fileB fileA > fileC

Thanks for the help. It works perfectly.

While reading through the script I am having trouble figuring out what the 'K' does?

K is used as an associative array here.

root@bt:/tmp# cat file
Linux1    Ubuntu
Linux2    Fedora
Linux3    BackTrack

root@bt:/tmp# awk '{K[$1]=$2} END{ for(i in K){print "Key : "i" & Value : "K} }' file
Key : Linux1 & Value : Ubuntu
Key : Linux2 & Value : Fedora
Key : Linux3 & Value : BackTrack

