SED equivalent for grep -w -f with pattern having special characters

I'm looking for SED equivalent for grep -w -f. All I want is to search a list of patterns from a file. Also If the pattern doesn't match I do not want "null returned", rather I would prefer some text as place holder say "BLANK LINE" as I intend to process the output file based on line number.

I'm looking for SED equivalent as i need to process few millions of lines. grep is too slow for my need.

My understanding is in grep -w gets the exact string match and -f reads the pattern to be searched from a file search_list and look for it in input_file.

Also My search pattern will include special characters like / , \ , ( , ) , { , }, [ , ]

> cat search_list

> cat input_file

> grep -w -f  search_list input_file

> SED equivalent ?


Have you considered using awk:

awk 'NR==FNR{n[$0];next} !($0 in n){$0="BLANK LINE"} 1' search_list input_file