sed command for copying the contents of other file replacing it another file on specifc pattern

We have 2 file XML files - FILE1.XML and FILE2.xml - we need copy the contents of FILE1.XML and replace in FILE2.xml pattern "<assignedAttributeList></assignedAttributeList>"

  1. <itemList>
  2. <item type="Manufactured">
  3. <resourceCode>431048</resourceCode>
  4. <assignedAttributeList></assignedAttributeList>
  5. </item>
  6. <item type="Manufactured">
  7. <resourceCode>431079</resourceCode>
  8. <assignedAttributeList></assignedAttributeList>
  9. </item>
  10. </itemList>
    Final FILE1.XML should be like this
  11. <itemList>
  12. <item type="Manufactured">
  13. <resourceCode>431048</resourceCode>
  14. <assignedAttributeList></assignedAttributeList>
  15. </item>
  16. <item type="Manufactured">
  17. <resourceCode>431079</resourceCode>
  18. <assignedAttributeList>
  19. </item>
  20. </itemList>