sed awk: split a large file to unique file names

Dear Users,

Appreciate your help if you could help me with splitting a large file > 1 million lines with sed or awk. below is the text in the file
input file.txt

scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
scaffold1       942     943     G/C     +
scaffold1       959     960     C/T     +
scaffold1       994     995     G/A     +
scaffold2       1024    1025    G/A     +
scaffold2       1065    1066    G/A     +
scaffold2       1356    1357    C/T     +
scaffold2       1363    1364    G/A     +
scaffold3       1367    1368    G/A     +
scaffold3       1403    1404    G/A     +
scaffold3       1404    1405    C/T     +
scaffold3       1433    1434    G/A     +
scaffold3       1467    1468    G/A     +
scaffold4       1521    1522    G/A     +
scaffold4       63885   63886   T/G     +
scaffold4       63907   63908   G/A     +
scaffold4       63942   63943   T/C     +
scaffold4       63964   63965   G/A     +
scaffold5       63996   63997   G/A     +
scaffold5       63997   63998   T/C     +
scaffold5       64074   64075   G/T     +
scaffold100       64076   64077   C/T     +
scaffold100       64127   64128   C/T     +
scaffold120       64221   64222   A/G     +
scaffold1100       64222   64223   T/C     +
scaffold1890       64263   64264   C/T     +
scaffold2000       64281   64282   G/C     +
scaffold2001       64292   64293   C/T     +
scaffold2002      64343   64344   G/A     +
scaffold2003       64347   64348   G/T     +

my output file should be unique to the first column name
output files

scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
scaffold1       942     943     G/C     +
scaffold1       959     960     C/T     +
scaffold1       994     995     G/A     +


scaffold2       1024    1025    G/A     +
scaffold2       1065    1066    G/A     +
scaffold2       1356    1357    C/T     +
scaffold2       1363    1364    G/A     +


scaffold3       1367    1368    G/A     +
scaffold3       1403    1404    G/A     +
scaffold3       1404    1405    C/T     +
scaffold3       1433    1434    G/A     +
scaffold3       1467    1468    G/A     +

and so on.

Thank you,

man split

Hello Kapr0001,

Welcome to forums, hope you will enjoy learning/sharing knowledge here. Please use code tags for your commands/codes/Inputs which you are using into your post as per forum rules. Following may help you in same.
Let's say we have following Input_file.

cat Input_file
scaffold1 928 929 C/T +
scaffold1 942 943 G/C +
scaffold1 959 960 C/T +
scaffold1 994 995 G/A +
scaffold2 1024 1025 G/A +
scaffold2 1065 1066 G/A +
scaffold2 1356 1357 C/T +
scaffold2 1363 1364 G/A +
scaffold3 1367 1368 G/A +
scaffold3 1403 1404 G/A +
scaffold3 1404 1405 C/T +
scaffold3 1433 1434 G/A +
scaffold3 1467 1468 G/A +
scaffold4 1521 1522 G/A +
scaffold4 63885 63886 T/G +
scaffold4 63907 63908 G/A +
scaffold4 63942 63943 T/C +
scaffold4 63964 63965 G/A +
scaffold5 63996 63997 G/A +
scaffold5 63997 63998 T/C +
scaffold5 64074 64075 G/T +

Then following is the code.

awk '{Q=$0;sub(/[[:alpha:]]+/,X,$1);A[$1]=A[$1]?A[$1] ORS Q:Q;num=num>$1?num:$1} END{for(i=1;i<=num;i++){print A > "file"i".txt";close("file"i".txt")}}'  Input_file

Output will be 5 files named file1.txt , file2.txt , file3.txt , file4.txt and file5.txt as follows.

cat file1.txt
scaffold1 928 929 C/T +
scaffold1 942 943 G/C +
scaffold1 959 960 C/T +
scaffold1 994 995 G/A +
cat file2.txt
scaffold2 1024 1025 G/A +
scaffold2 1065 1066 G/A +
scaffold2 1356 1357 C/T +
scaffold2 1363 1364 G/A +

cat file3.txt
scaffold3 1367 1368 G/A +
scaffold3 1403 1404 G/A +
scaffold3 1404 1405 C/T +
scaffold3 1433 1434 G/A +
scaffold3 1467 1468 G/A +

cat file4.txt
scaffold4 1521 1522 G/A +
scaffold4 63885 63886 T/G +
scaffold4 63907 63908 G/A +
scaffold4 63942 63943 T/C +
scaffold4 63964 63965 G/A +
cat file5.txt
scaffold5 63996 63997 G/A +
scaffold5 63997 63998 T/C +
scaffold5 64074 64075 G/T +

Please do let us know if this helps you. Enjoy learning :b:

NOTE: Also wanted to mention here, above code considered that you 1st field have a digit in it, so by which I am only taking maximum number and then going further in it.

R. Singh

while read col1 rest; do echo "$col1 $rest" >> ${col1}.txt; done < input.txt

If input file is not sorted then try this

[akshay@localhost tmp]$ awk '!($1 in a){a[$1]="file"++c".txt"}{print $0 >>a[$1]; close(a[$1])}' file

If input file is sorted then try this

[akshay@localhost tmp]$ awk '$1 != prev{if(f)close(f);f="file"++c".txt"; prev=$1}{print > f}END{if(f)close(f)}' file

I like the shell solution. It can become a little more I/O efficient (matters when the output files are written to a network file system):

while read col1 rest
  if [ "$col1" != "$p_col1" ]
    exec 3>"$col1".txt
  echo "$col1 $rest" >&3
done < Input_file
exec 3>&-

The input file must be sorted on col1 (otherwise: remove previous output files and append with exec 3>>"$col1".txt )

1 Like


Apologies for the length of this and for the late posting. I am always skeptical of shell solutions when we get to sizable files, 1M lines of more because of the time involved. I focused only on the time for reading by creating a test file of 1M lines, only with line content scaffold1 and scaffold2. Here is the script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s1       Demonstrate schemes to split a file based on content.

# Utility functions: print-as-echo, print-line-with-visual-space, debug.
# export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
pe() { for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done; printf "\n"; }
pl() { pe;pe "-----" ;pe "$*"; }
em() { pe "$*" >&2 ; }
db() { ( printf " db, ";for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done;printf "\n" ) >&2 ; }
db() { : ; }
C=$HOME/bin/context && [ -f $C ] && $C awk perl gate mmsplit
inxi -c0 -C

trap 'rm -f $FILE_tmp ; exit 1'  0  1  2  15
rm -f file* scaffold*

# Create data file if it does not yet exist.
if [ ! -f $FILE ]

pl " Input data file $FILE:"
specimen 2:2:2 -n $FILE

# Sample line:
# scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +

pl " Results, shell, unsorted:"
time while read col1 rest; do echo "$col1 $rest" >> ${col1}.txt; done < $FILE
wc scaffold*
rm scaffold*

pl " Results, awk, unsorted:"
time awk '!($1 in a){a[$1]="file"++c".txt"}{print $0 >>a[$1]; close(a[$1])}' $FILE
wc file*
rm file*

pl " Results, sort the file:"
time sort -o $FILE_tmp $FILE
specimen 2:2:2 -n $FILE_tmp

pl " Results, awk sorted:"
time awk '$1 != prev{if(f)close(f);f="file"++c".txt"; prev=$1}{print > f}END{if(f)close(f)}' $FILE_tmp
wc file*
rm file*

pl " Results, gate, sorted:"
time gate -f=1 -s=" " $FILE_tmp
wc scaffold*
rm scaffold*

pl " Results, mmsplit, sorted:"
time mmsplit --fix=every --body=body --grep='/^scaffold(\d+)/' -i=$FILE_tmp
wc body*
rm body*

exit 0


$ ./s1

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 3.16.0-4-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian 8.4 (jessie) 
bash GNU bash 4.3.30
awk GNU Awk 4.1.1, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 3.1.2-p3, GNU MP 6.0.0)
perl 5.20.2
gate (local) 1.10
mmsplit (local) 2.0
CPU:       Triple core AMD FX-6350 Six-Core (-MCP-) cache: 6144 KB 
           clock speeds: max: 3915 MHz 1: 3915 MHz 2: 3915 MHz 3: 3915 MHz

 Input data file data1:
Edges: 2:2:2 of 1000000 lines in file "data1"
     1  scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
     2  scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +
500001  scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
500002  scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +
999999  scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
1000000 scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +

 Results, shell, unsorted:

real    0m26.607s
user    0m17.868s
sys     0m8.624s

  500000  2500000 18000000 scaffold1.txt
  500000  2500000 18000000 scaffold2.txt
 1000000  5000000 36000000 total

 Results, awk, unsorted:

real    0m19.304s
user    0m5.892s
sys     0m13.308s

  500000  2500000 21000000 file1.txt
  500000  2500000 21000000 file2.txt
 1000000  5000000 42000000 total

 Results, sort the file:

real    0m0.424s
user    0m0.416s
sys     0m0.176s

Edges: 2:2:2 of 1000000 lines in file "/tmp/data110702"
     1  scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
     2  scaffold1       928     929     C/T     +
500001  scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +
500002  scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +
999999  scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +
1000000 scaffold2       928     929     C/T     +

 Results, awk sorted:

real    0m0.515s
user    0m0.420s
sys     0m0.092s

  500000  2500000 21000000 file1.txt
  500000  2500000 21000000 file2.txt
 1000000  5000000 42000000 total

 Results, gate, sorted:

real    0m6.238s
user    0m6.144s
sys     0m0.092s

  500000  2500000 21000000 scaffold1
  500000  2500000 21000000 scaffold2
 1000000  5000000 42000000 total

 Results, mmsplit, sorted:

real    0m2.918s
user    0m2.796s
sys     0m0.120s

  500000  2500000 21000000 body.1
  500000  2500000 21000000 body.2
 1000000  5000000 42000000 total


This isn't just a simple split, it's a split and group problem. Codes like csplit at first glance might be considered, but it keys off a unique header-like value, then transfers lines until the next occurrence of a header.. We need to create multiple output files gathering lines that have similar key values.

I like the shell code because it is simple to understand, but it takes a long time.

The awk unsorted version also takes a long time, and I think it's because of the large number of closes.

The awk sorted version is very speedy and, when compared with the time for a sort seems like the best solution.

Our local perl codes gate and mmsplit are run for comparison. The gate is slower, but is very simple to call.

The mmsplit is faster than gate , but has a more complicated calling sequence.

So I would choose the awk sorted code from Akshay Hegde but precede it with a sort. The total real time coming in at 0.424+0.515 -> 0.939, is better than the other solutions.

The awk unsorted could be improved by holding strings until one had, say 1000 of them, then writing the file and closing it. That would cut down the time, but increase the complexity.

The issue of the maximum number of open files might be a problem, although less so for the shell than the other scripting solutions. Solutions using the sorted file would probably be best for a large number of possible group values.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl