sed append without using new line

im trying to append to the end of the line using sed but I want to do it without creating a new line
the text to which I want to append is all in capital letters.

I want to do something like this:


but when I do this:

] Foo

it prints foo on a new line:


how can I get sed to append text without the new line?

Try something like this:
I will add Eon at the end of the line

$ cat data
Knight Eon
Hello World
Hello Earth
How is everyone

$ sed -e '$s/\(.*\)/\1Eon/g' data
Knight Eon
Hello World
Hello Earth
How is everyone Eon
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echo "LINE" | sed 's/$/]FOO/'

This appends the "]FOO" to end of the line.


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thanks for the replays but what I really want to do is append to only the lines that are in all capital letters.

sort of like if i Have:

this is a line
this is a line

then i what it to be

this is a line
this is a line

Thank you

try this

touch /tmp/test.$$
while read line
check=`echo $line | tr -dc [A-Z]`
if [ ! -z "$check" ];then
echo "$line" | sed 's/$/]Foo/' >> /tmp/test.$$
 echo "$line" >> /tmp/test.$$
done < one
cat /tmp/test.$$

this is a line
this is a line


this is a line
this is a line

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It can be written in sed one liner. Here is how:

$ cat data
Knight Eon
Hello Earth
How is everyone
$ sed -e 's/\(\L.*\)/\1]Foo/g' data
Knight Eon
Hello WORLD]Foo
Hello Earth
How is everyone

Hope this will help you :slight_smile:

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sed 's/^[A-Z][A-Z]*$/&\]FOO/' infile

or with whitespace tolerance:

sed 's/^[ \t]*[A-Z][A-Z]*[ \t]*$/&\]FOO/' infile
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thank a lot guys your answers helped me but now i have one more problem

i want to append to the end of a line that starts with a specific character and this line can have any character and spaces in it

soft of like this:

         this is a line
      -  this line starts with a minus
      + this line starts with a plus
         this is another line

and i want to be able to append //foo to the end of that line:

         this is a line
      -  this line starts with a minus //foo
      + this line starts with a plus //foo
         this is another line

how can I do that i've been trying to adapt the solutions that you guys posted for mi first post but so far I haven't been able to make it work

Thank you for you help.

awk or sed?

awk '$1~"^[+-]"{$0=$0 " //foo"}1' infile
sed '/^[ \t]*[+-]/s|$| //foo|' infile
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thanks a lot you guys you solved all my problems :slight_smile:

sed ' /^[[:upper:]]\+$/  s/$/]FOO/' filename

\+ is a GNU sed extension and this will not work with other seds..