Secured encrypted files via Linux

I need to encrypt a ".txt" file with password settings and it should decrypt the file automatoically when end user types correct password.

Can some one help me on this.

Thank you

To encrypt a file using 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -a -in FILE.TXT - out FILE.ENC -pass pass:MYPASSWORD

To decrypt the file

openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -a -in FILE.TXT -pass pass:MYPASSWORD

If you use vim editor, :X will ask for a passphrase to encrypt. By entering the same in the other side will decrypt.

Thanks for the reply. I worked on this "openssl" already but still this confuses me.
End user doesnot have any access to Linux to run the decrypt script.
Just they download the ".txt " file what I send and type the password in order to decrypt the file.

May be i am not putting this correctly.Appreciate your help
