Search subdirectories and find and print total files

Hi All,

I have a folder name lets say path/to/folder/CUSTOMER and under this i have several folders and each of these subfolder have serveral subfolders and so on and at some point i will have a folder name called "FTP_FILES" .

I need to search for these folders named "FTP_FILES and then print the path and number of *.txt files in it.

I have the following code by which i am able to find the folder and list *.txt the files but how do i print the count of file in each line.

find ./CUSTOMER -name 'FTP_FILES' -print0 | xargs --null ls *.txt

Output desired..

PATH of the FTP_FILES folder :
Number of *.txt files :

Please help

Hint: try using -type d option for directory

Thanks for you reply, I tried using -type d option but i'm getting the same result as before. my above command actually is finding the folder and the .txt files but i also the number of .txt files in each FTP_FILES directory. And also, i see "total 31088" in one of the directories where there is only one file. Can you please help me with this. I need to find .txt files in all these folders and print the count of .txt files.

find ./CUSTOMER -type d -name 'FTP_FILES' -print0 | xargs --null ls -l
total 0

total 0

total 31088
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group 31832920 Aug 10 18:25 GRUN_IN_ALA_080813_105011.txt

total 0

total 0

Try this for finding the file count:

find ./CUSTOMER -type d -name 'FTP_FILES' -print 0 | ls -l *.txt | grep ^- | wc -l 

Thank you, I tried your suggestion below but i'm getting result as "1"

find ./CUSTOMER -type d -name 'FTP_FILES' -print0 | ls -l *.txt | grep ^- | wc -l

But when i run the below i get "32" !!

find ./CUSTOMER -type d -name 'FTP_FILES' -print0 | xargs --null ls -l | grep ^-|wc -l

Also, i just realised that in some FTP_FILES folders there are sub-directories named by date and the actual files are in the date directories. The above command just list the directories.. but i need those files to be displayed as well. i know i might be asking some basics here sorry i'm still learning.

So your requirement is to search for the FTP_FILES folder inside a given folder, and to traverse through all sub-folders in the FTP_FILES folder that is returned to find out *.txt files?

Yes Sir, find a FOLDER named FTP_FILES and show me all files actually (not just *.txt) and if a sub-directory exixts under FTP_FOLDER then show the files from those sub-directories as well.


In your first request you said, you want the count also. Is that so? Or you want only to display the files?


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Correct, The count also please. Find a FOLDER named FTP_FILES and show me all files actually (not just *.txt) and if a sub-directory exists under FTP_FOLDER then show the files from those sub-directories as well.

Print the path name of the FTP_FILES or Sub Directory if exists,
Print files available in that path
Print number of files in that path.
Print total number of files found from all paths.


Is this what you need?

find . -type d -name 'FTP_FILES' | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo dir:%; printf files: ; ls % | wc -l'
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Perfect thats what i needed. Appreciate you time and help.

Thanks a Ton