Search file in the whole machine

I need to find a file as I can do this is on AIX

I find the function find

I'm lost...

What operating system are you using?

What do you do on AIX that works on AIX but is not working on the OS you are using now?



is a utility; not a function.

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If you have locate installed, this should find it efficiently:

locate 'partoffilename'

If you don't, and really want to do a brute-force search of the entire system, bar nothing and nobody:

find / -name '*partoffilename*' 2>/dev/null

The 2> because this is going to spew lots of errors when it blunders through areas it doesn't belong.

If you can narrow it down even the slightest bit, you can make it much faster:

find /home -name '*partoffilename*'
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