SDS and replicas


We are using Solstice Disk Suite on Solaris 2.7.

We want to add two striped volume with six disks.
On each disk, we take a slice and we create the stripe.

That I want to know :
Is it necessary to add two replicas on the same slice on the new disks, as made before on the others disks ?

On my own, I think to do :

# metadb -a c3t11d0s4 c3t12d0s4 c3t13d0s4 c4t3d0s4 c4t4d0s4 c4t5d0s4

Is it necessary to add the -f option to add replicas ?

Is it necessary to reboot after creating replicas ?

Thanks per advance.


The metadb command is used to administer the replica database - the replica database is used by the software to know where everything is (a simple explanation).

metadb - create and delete replicas of the metadevice state

You should read the documentation on setting up the replica database and other components - Normally you can find it on-line at but I could not reach it to add the specific link.

If you have replicas already (before attempting to set up the stripe) then that is all you need as long as you followed the 'rules' for setting up replicas. You don't need more replicas just because you are setting up a new volume/mirror/stripe.

No, as mentioned in the man page:
-f The -f option is used to create the initial state data-
base. It is also used to force the deletion of replicas
below the minimum of two. (The -a and -f options should
be used together only when no state databases exist.)

I could not find an answer on this (and don't have a system to test it on). When creating the replica (while building a system) a reboot is done because we create mirrors of the OS. I believe that a reboot IS needed when first setting up, but not afterwards (if you added more replicas).