Script to go Into Directories and Find/Delete files

I have a task, I usually do manually, but with growing responsibilities I tend to forget to do this weekly, I want to write a script that automates this, but I cant seem to work it out in my head, I have the shell of it out, but need help, and you guys have helped me with EVERY problem I have posted, and have found help in others posts as well. Please see below shell code I have started. I want to go to the ORDATA which is the variable for /opt/data in this case directory, find the folders with most stuff in it and cd into each one and then cd into the backup folder and do a couple of those find commands.

How do I make it go out of the first directory and into the next and so on and so forth? I know i can use the while loop in some capacity, but not quite sure.

for example /opt/data/ has 4 directories /mpw, /docprep, /edfiles, /vgdata and under each of those directories is a /backup directory as well, I want to start at /opt/data, go into each the 4 directories, go into the backup directories and do those find and delete commands i came with until its went into all 4 backup directories.

Below is what I have so far.

#Author:Emmanuel Iroanya Jr
#Date:April 2nd, 2013
#Purpose: The purpose of this is to check data and rollout directory and keep file space optimal. 

if [ "$1x" = "x" ]
	echo "You must supply an environment parameter to this script"
	echo "example:  $0 tb82"

. /opt/origenate/$1/config/ 	#Sources Environments Admin Config Variables

cd $ORDATA 								#Environments Data Storage Directory
du -sk */ | sort -n -r | head -n 10 |awk '{print $2}' |while read d
	cd "${d}" 							
	cd backup
	find *.zip -type f -a -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
	find *.pdf -type f -a -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
	find *.CSV -type f -a -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
	find *.txt -type f -a -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;


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My apologies, that makes sense, I have changed the title of the post to something more appropriate.

Also, I put comments in the code/query so people could understand my thought process, does it not come across as a clear thought?

A few changes to suggest:

#Author:Emmanuel Iroanya Jr
#Date:April 2nd, 2013
#Purpose: The purpose of this is to check data and rollout directory and keep file space optimal. 

if [ -z "$1" ] # -z is simply "if string is blank".
	echo "You must supply an environment parameter to this script"
	echo "example:  $0 tb82"

. /opt/origenate/$1/config/ 	#Sources Environments Admin Config Variables

cd $ORDATA 								#Environments Data Storage Directory
du -sk */ | sort -n -r | head -n 10 |awk '{print $2}' |while read d
        # find's first parameter is a path, not a wildcard
        # You give it wildcards with -name 'string'
        # You can group them with ( ) and or them with -o
        # Remove the echo once you've tested and are sure it does what you want.
	find ${d}/backup '(' -name '*.zip' -o -name '*.CSV' -o -name '*.txt' ')' \
                -type f -a -mtime +3 -exec echo rm {} \;
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Appreciate it alot, let me play with this a little bit, question, Can I feed this multiple directories, I remembered I also have a tmp directory and files under ordata in a different structure tree other than /backup that fills quickly, so can i add

find ${d}/tmp '('

etc.. after that first find? It makes sense to me that it could, just want confirmation.

Yes, we can.:smiley:
If your find statements are exactly the same otherwise, you can combine them to one

find ${d}/backup ${d}/tmp -type f -mtime +3 '(' -name '*.zip' -o -name '*.CSV' -o -name '*.txt' ')' -exec echo rm -f {} \;

I changed the order, so the more "expensive" name comparison is after the simple file type and age checks. -a (AND) is only for readablity - can be omitted.
Last but not least, this should be secured:

cd $ORDATA || exit #fatal - directory must exist!
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